Optical Outlets
Optical Outlets | Invisalign, Dental Fillings and CEREC

Contact Lenses

July 10, 2019

At the office of Optical Outlets we’ll guide you in finding the right contact lenses to meet your needs. Although our vast selection of designer glasses offer many stylish options, you may prefer wearing contacts some, or all of the time. Enjoying the comfort of contact lenses that fit well is easier than ever with today’s advanced technology and materials. Contact lenses can address a wide range of vision needs, and can offer greater freedom and flexibility than eyeglasses.

Over 35 million people across the United States are choosing contact lenses for the numerous advantages they offer. Not only can contacts be used to correct a wide range of refractive errors, but they can also be used for therapeutic purposes to treat irregularities in the shape of the eye. For some people with myopia or astigmatism, specialized contact lenses may be worn only at night to help reshape the cornea so that there is no need for any type of prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses during the day. And, while contact lenses are a medical device, even those worn solely for cosmetic purposes must be prescribed by an eye care professional.

You can rest assured that your vision care needs are in the best of hands at our office. We take the time to teach you how to properly care for your contacts in order to prevent eye infections and ensure that treatment is effective. Soft lenses are the most popular type of contact. These lenses are made from water absorbing hydrogels, which makes them soft and comfortable. Rigid gas permeable lenses are another option, and may be more suitable for certain eye conditions. These lenses allow oxygen to reach the eye, and although they are not initially as comfortable as soft lenses, they are more durable and need to be replaced less often.The care and comfort of our patients are our top priorities. We take the time to choose the correct design and materials for your contact lenses, as well as make sure your lenses fit both comfortably and precisely.

At the office of Optical Outlets, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate care. For more information on our office and the many services that we provide, give us a call today.