Optical Outlets
Optical Outlets | Invisalign, Dental Fillings and CEREC


October 10, 2019

Astigmatism is a refractive error, which means the eye’s ability to properly focus light to create a clear image is impaired. However, with vision care, all types of refractive errors can be corrected. Routine eye exams are essential at every stage of life, especially if you are experiencing difficulty seeing images clearly up close, at a distance, or both. By scheduling an appointment to visit us at the office of Optical Outlets, you can rest assured that you’ll receive exceptional eye care from an experienced team of professionals.

If you experience blurred vision, eye strain and difficulty seeing at night, be sure to discuss these symptoms with an eye care professional, as they may indicate astigmatism. While people with myopia struggle to see distant objects, and people with presbyopia or hyperopia struggle to see up close, astigmatism affects vision at any range of distance. To accurately diagnose astigmatism, our eye doctor will perform a comprehensive eye exam, which includes a visual acuity test and other diagnostic methods to assess the anatomy and function of your eye. Astigmatism is caused by irregularities in the curvature of the cornea or eye lens. The irregular shape of the cornea causes light to refract in more than one direction, allowing only part of an image to focus properly at any given time. It’s important to keep in mind that astigmatism can also occur along with other refractive errors, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. The good news is that with optical technology- all types of refractive errors can be corrected at once with eyeglass lenses or contact lenses.

As skilled and compassionate providers of care, we’ll discuss the different treatment options available for treating astigmatism, and will provide you with a prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses as indicated. While the most popular and effective corrections for astigmatism remain eyeglasses and contact lenses, another possible approach to care is orthokeratology. With this treatment method, you simply wear specialized contact lenses while you sleep to temporarily corrects the irregular shape of the cornea to give you clear vision throughout the day. In certain patients, a LASIK procedure can also provide a solution for astigmatism. Whatever your situation may be, you can feel confident that our office will guide you in determining a course of care that best meets your individual needs. Throughout your course of care, we’ll be happy to answer any questions and address all your concerns.

At the office of Optical Outlets, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate care. For more information on our office and the many services that we provide, give us a call today.