Welcome and thank you for choosing our office! At the office of Optical Outlets, we’re committed to maintaining the quality and health of your vision. Whatever your eye care needs may be, our trained and experienced optometrist is here to provide you with the most advanced services to enhance and protect your eyesight. As your eye doctor, we strive to meet the needs of our patients and to exceed their expectations by delivering an unparalleled level of care.
As frustrating as it might feel, as we grow older, presbyopia is a part of the natural aging process of the eye. Developing gradually over a long period of time, it is the result of the lens of the eye and the ring of muscle fibers where light enters the eye losing their flexibility. With the onset of presbyopia, your near vision becomes blurry. It may also be accompanied by eyestrain, fatigue or headaches after reading or doing close up work. Because the early symptoms of some serious and progressive eye diseases can also appear around this time, a comprehensive baseline eye exam with your eye doctor is recommended for everyone at the age of 40.
Once the overall health of your eyes has been established, your eye doctor can recommend the appropriate corrective lenses to treat your presbyopia, along with any other vision deficits.
While over-the-counter reading glasses purchased from a drugstore or online can provide what seems to be adequate vision improvement for some people, these one size fits all glasses have several drawbacks and are often poorly made. You can rely on our office to prescribe and fabricate reading glasses that address the specific vision needs of each eye and that will allow you to view whatever you are reading or working on with optimal clarity.
At the office of Optical Outlets, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate care. For more information on our office and the many services that we provide, give us a call today.