Optical Outlets
Optical Outlets | Invisalign, Dental Fillings and CEREC

Treating Corneal Abrasions

January 6, 2020

When a corneal abrasion occurs, it is important to contact the office of Optical Outlets for timely care.

A corneal abrasion or “scratched cornea” is one of the most common injuries seen by eye doctors. Whether it’s simply the result of getting poked in the eye or a small particle of sand or dust, a scratched cornea can cause profound discomfort, redness, tearing and hypersensitivity to light. You may also experience a headache, blurry vision, eye twitching, a dull ache, and even nausea.

Please remember to exercise some precautions before you get to our office so as not to cause more harm to your eye. Do not rub or apply pressure to the injured eye, and do not to make any attempts to remove particles stuck to the cornea.

For skilled and experienced care

As skilled and experienced eye care providers, we’ll determine the extent of the injury and the specific treatment that’s required. Based on the severity of your corneal abrasion treatment may include antibiotic drops or ointment to prevent infection, a steroid to decrease inflammation, as well something to relieve light sensitivity and pain. As your eye doctor, we typically schedule a follow-up visit to monitor your progress and healing. If you wear contact lenses, you will also be advised at what point in your recovery that you can resume wearing them.

The importance of timely treatment

With prompt treatment, most cases of corneal abrasions heal completely with no lasting effects or loss of visual acuity. However, when left untreated deeper abrasions can lead to corneal ulcerations and severe vision loss.

At the office of Optical Outlets, we provide skilled and compassionate care to protect the health of your eyes and the quality of your vision. Whether you need a routine eye exam, the management, and treatment of a condition affecting the health of your eyes, or care for a corneal abrasion; we can help.

For more information on our office and the many services that we provide, give us a call today.